Do you accept insurance?
Ellen Stoloff Physical Therapy, LLC accepts Medicare Part B, as well as private pay.  Most seniors we treat are covered by Medicare. Supplemental insurance plans will cover your copayment. 

Do I need a prescription?
Yes.  Medicare requires that we have a physician's prescription for physical therapy prior to your first visit.  Please have your physician fax us the prescription prior to starting therapy, or direct him/her to our physical therapy prescription form here.

Where do you treat patients?
We specialize in home care physical therapy throughout Essex, Morris and Union County, NJ.  We treat patients in their primary place of residence: private homes, apartments, and assisted or skilled living facilities.

Is there any difference in the quality of care from an outpatient clinic?
I have worked in outpatient physical therapy, and I am confident that the quality of our care surpasses that of most outpatient clinics.  With home physical therapy, you are guaranteed privacy, thoroughness, and consistency with the same physical therapist throughout your plan of care.